Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

WebsydianSEI - Message

WSE0070 - No presentation found for role

Error message

No presentation was found for the role &1


&1 - The role, that was not found


A small number of presentations having a special role for a site are defined in the table WSPFSP.
When creating a site element of the type "Comment" one of these predefined presentations are used. (Role = "C" - Comment).
When you define a site element without selecting a presentation for the element another of these special roles are used (N = No Presentation Selected).
The last situation is when a menu is inserted in the site structure tree as the immediate child of another menu - in this case a frameset is inserted automatically. (Role = "M" - Menu Frameset).
If the record for the role does not exist - this error will be thrown.


As the table WSPFSP is populated during the creation of the site - this error should not occur. However, if data in the table WSPFSP has been changed manually or the referenced presentations has been deleted manually the error might occur.
If this happens you can insert a new record for the role in the table WSPFSP. The missing role is written in the message. The site key can be found using the menu point "Site Settings" in the administration menu. You will have to find the appropriate presentation using SQL or another tool providing direct access to the database to obtain the surrogate for the presentation.


By restoring the WSPFSP from the delivered data you can obtain the original settings for the table WSPFSP. However, this will not help if the presentations were deleted.